1. Astrand, R. 1986. Fisiología del trabajo físico. 2ª edición. Buenos Aires: Editorial Médica Panamericana. 359-381.
2. Australian Sports Medicine Federation. 1983. Survey of drug use in Australian sport. ASMF. Parkville.
3. Autores varios. 1992. Avances en nutrición deportiva. I Congreso Mundial de Nutrición Deportiva. Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia. Consejo Superior de Deportes.
4. Belko, A.Z., Obarzaneck, E., Kalkwarf, H:J:; Rotter, MA., Bogusz, S. y cols. 1983. Effects of exercise on riboflavine requeriments on young women. Am J Clin Nutrit, 37; 509-517.
5. Berry, T.R, Howe, B.L. 2000. Risk factors for disordered eating in female university athletes. Journal Sport Behavior, 23(3; 207-218.
6. Beshgetoor, D; Nichols, J.F; Rego, I. 2000. Effect of training mode an calcium intake on bone mineral density in female Master cyclists, runners, and non-athletes. International Journal Sport Nutrition Exercise Metabolism, 10(3); 290-301.
7. Brooks, C; Taylor, R.D; Hardy, C.A; Lass, T. 2000. Proneness to eating disorders: weightlifters compared to exercisers. Perceptual Motor Skills, 90(3 Part I); 906.
8. Brown, R.C; Cox, C.M; Goulding, A. 2000. High-carbohydrate versus high-fat diets: effect on body composition in trained cyclists. Medicine Science Sports Exercise, 32(3); 690-694.
9. Bucci, L.R. 1993. Nutrients as ergogenic aids for sports and exercise. CRC Press. Boca Raton, Florida.
10. Bucci, L.R. 1994. Nutritional ergogenic aids. En: I. Wolinsky y J.F. Hickson, Nutrition in exercise and sport. 2nd edition. CRC Press. Boca Raton, Florida. Pg 329.
11. Burke, L.M., Read, R.S.D. 1993. Dietary supplements in sport. Sports Medicine, 15-1; 43-65.
12. Delgado, M. 1998. La alimentación en la optimización del rendimiento en gimnasia. En: J. López Bedoya, M. Vernetta, F. Panadero (comps.). Investigación y Gimnasia. Su aplicación práctica. Universidad de Granada. 21-28.
13. Delgado, M. 2000. Tareas significativas para el desarrollo de hábitos alimenticios saludables desde el área de educación física. En: F. Salinas (coord.). La actividad física y su práctica orientada hacia la salud. 43-49.
14. Delgado, M., Gutiérrez, A., Castillo, M.J. 1997. Entrenamiento físico-deportivo y alimentación. De la infancia a la edad adulta. Barcelona: Paidotribo.
15. Deutz, R.C; Benardot, D; Martin, D.E; Cody, M.M. 2000. Relationship between energy deficits and body composition in elite female gymnasts and runners. Medicine Science Sports Exercise, 32(3); 659-668.
16. Economos, C.D., Bortz, S.S., Nelson, M.E. 1993. Nutritional practices of elite athletes. Practical recommendations. Sports Medicine. 16 (6); 381-399.
17. Feriche, B., Álvarez. J., Delgado, M. 2000. Efecto del citrato sódico sobre el tiempo a la fatiga durante un ejercicio de alta intensidad en hipoxia aguda moderada. Medicina Dello Sport, 53-2; 179-184. 2000.
18. Feriche, B., Delgado, M., Ocaña, Mª.G., Álvarez, J. 1999. Influencia de la ingestión de un alcalinizante sobre la percepción subjetiva del esfuerzo durante un test incremental. Archivos de Medicina Deportiva. XVI-72, 335-342.
19. Fox, E. 1980. Fisología del deporte.
20. Garcia-Roves, P.M; Fernandez, S; Rodriguez, M; Perez-Landaluce, J; Patterson, A.M . 2000. Eating pattern and nutritional status of international elite flatwater paddlers. International Journal Sport Nutrition Exercise Metabolism,10(2); 182-198.
21. Garcia-Roves, P.M; Terrados, N; Fernandez, S; Patterson, A.M. 2000. Comparison of dietary intake and eating behavior of professional road cyclists during training and competition. International Journal Sport Nutrition Exercise Metabolism, 10(1); 82-98.
22. Garnier, A., Waysfeld, B. 1995. Alimentación y práctica deportiva. Las claves del equilibrio nutricional para mejorar el rendimiento. Barcelona: Hispano Europea.
23. Girard, S. 2000a. Timing fuel for peak racing. En: S. Girard (ed.), Endurance sports nutrition, Champaign, Illinois: Human Kinetics. 51-79.
24. Girard, S. 2000b. (ed.) Endurance sports nutrition. Champaign, Illinois: Human Kinetics.
25. Gisolfí, C., Duchman, S. 1992. Guidelines for optimal replacement beverages for different athletic events. Med Sci Sports Exerc, 24; 679-687.
26. González, J; Villa, J.G. 1998. Nutrición y ayudas ergogénicas en el deporte. Madrid: Síntesis.
27. Gutiérrez, A., González-Gross, M., Delgado, M., Castillo, M.J. 2001. Three days fast in sportsmen decrease physical work capacity but nos strength or perception-reaction time. International Journal of Sport Nutrition. (En prensa).
28. Haff, G.G; Koch, A.J; Potteiger, J.A; Kuphal, K.E; Magee, L.M; Green, S.B; Jakicic, J.J. 2000. Carbohydrate supplementation attenuates muscle glycogen loss during acute bouts of resistance exercise. International Journal Sport Nutrition Exercise Metabolism, 10(3); 326-339.
29. Highet, R. 1989. Athletic amenorrhea: an update on etiology, complications and management. Sports Medicine, 7; 82-102.
30. Hinton, P.S; Giordano, C; Brownlie, T; Haas, J.D. 2000. Iron supplementation improves endurance after training in iron-depleted, nonanemic women. Journal Applied Physiology, 88(3); 1103-1111.
31. Jeukendrup, A.E; Jentjens, R. 2000. Oxidation of carbohydrate feedings during prolonged exercise: current thoughts, guidelines and directions for future research. Sports Medicine, 29(6); 407-424.
32. Kleiner, S.M., Calabrasse, L.H., Fielder, K.M:, Naito, H.K., Skibinski, C.I.. 1989. Dietary influence on cardiovascular disease risk in anabolic steroid-using and nonusing bodybilders. J Am C Nutrit, 8; 109-119.
33. Konopka, P. 1988. La alimentación del deportista. Como mejorar el rendimiento mediante una alimentación completa y adecuada. Barcelona: Martínez Roca.
34. Lemon, P.W.R. 1995. Do athletes need more dietary protein and amino acids?. Intern J Sports Nutrit, 5; S39-S61.
35. Maffucci, D.M; McMurray, R.G. 2000. Towards optimizing the timing of the pre-exercise meal. International Journal Sport Nutrition Exercise Metabolism, 10(2); 103-113.
36. Malczewska, J; Raczynski, G; Stupnicki, R. 2000. Iron status in female endurance athletes and in non-athletes. International Journal Sport Nutrition Exercise Metabolism, 10(3); 260-276.
37. Maliszewski, A.F., Heil, D., Fredson, P.S., Clarkson, P.M. 1995. Effects of preexercise candy bar ingestion on sedentary men during prolonged submaximal exercise. Med Exerc Nutrit Health, 4-1; 40-47.
38. Manual de dietética de la Clínica Mayo. 1987. Nutrición normal. Sección 2. Barcelona: Médici. Pg. 16-18.
39. Mataix, J. 1992. Situación nutricional del deportista. En: Autores varios, Avances en nutrición deportiva. I Congreso Mundial de Nutrición Deportiva. Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia. Consejo Superior de Deportes.
40. Mcardle, W.D. ; Katch, F.I.; Katch, V.C. 1990. Fisiología del ejercicio. Energía, nutrición y rendimiento deportivo. Madrid: Alianza Editorial. Pp. 15-82; 369-452.
41. Newhouse, I.J., Clement, D.B. 1988. Iron status in athletes: an apdate. Sports Medicine, 5; 337-352.
42. Odriozola, J.Mª. 1988. Nutrición y deporte. Madrid: Eudema.
43. Rasmussen, B.B; Tipton, K.D; Miller, S.L; Wolf, S.E; Wolfe, R.R. 2000. An oral essential amino acid-carbohydrate supplement enhances muscle protein anabolism after resistance exercise. Journal Applied Physiology, 88(2); 386-392.
44. Riche, D. 2000. Alimentation du sportif: elements de dietetique. Sport, 43(2); 2-11.
45. Roy, B.D; Fowles, J.R; Hill, R; Tarnopolsky, M.A. 2000. Macronutrient intake and whole body protein metabolism following resistance exercise. Medicine Science Sports Exercise, 32(8); 1412-1418.
46. Saitoh, S; Mukai, N; Suzuki, M. 2000. Effect of time of evening meal ingestion following and intense bout of exercise on muscle glycogen storage on next day early in the morning. Bulletin Institute Health Sport Sciences, 23; 55-62.
47. Stannard, S.R; Thompson,M.W; Brand, J.C. 2000. The effect of glycemic index on plasma glucose and lactate levels during incremental exercise. International Journal Sport Nutrition Exercise Metabolism, 10(1); 51-61.
48. Thompson, R.A., Trattner, R. 1993. (dir.). Helping athletes with eating disorders. Champaign, Illinois: Human Kinetics Publishers.
49. Valero, A., Delgado, M. 1999. La nutrición en el medio fondo y fondo. Revista de Entrenamiento Deportivo, XIII-4, 25-30.
50. Villa, J.G.; Córdova, A.; González, J.; Garrido, G.; Villegas, J.A. 2000. Nutrición del deportista. Madrid: Gymnos.
51. Walker, J.L; Heigenhauser, G.J; Hultman, E; Spriet, L.L. 2000. Dietary carbohydrate, muscle glycogen content, and endurance performance in well-trained women. Journal Applied Physiology, 88(6); 2151-2158.
52. Weimann, E; Witzel, C; Schwidergall, S; Boehles, H.G. 2000. Peripubertal pertubations in elite gymnasts caused by sport specific training regimes and inadequate nutritional intake. International Journal Sports Medicine, 21(3); 210-215.
53. Williams, C, Brewer, J., Waker, M. 1992. The effect of a high carbohydrate diet on running performance during a 30-km treadmill time trial. European J Appl Physiol Occup Physiol, 65-1; 18-24.
54. Williams, M.H. 1994. The use of nutritional ergogenics in sports: is it an ethical issue?. Int J Sport Nutrit, 4; 120-131.
55. Williams, M.H. 1995. Nutritional ergogenics in athletics. J Sports Sciences, 13; S63-S74.
56. Williams, M.H. 1998. Nutritional ergogenics and sports performance: a review of the research on what works, what might work and what won't work for improving sports performance. IDEA personal trainer, 10(1); 36-46.
57. Wolinsky, I., Hickson, J.F. 1994. (dir.). Nutrition in exercise and sport. 2nd edition. Boca Raton, Florida: CRC Press.
2. Australian Sports Medicine Federation. 1983. Survey of drug use in Australian sport. ASMF. Parkville.
3. Autores varios. 1992. Avances en nutrición deportiva. I Congreso Mundial de Nutrición Deportiva. Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia. Consejo Superior de Deportes.
4. Belko, A.Z., Obarzaneck, E., Kalkwarf, H:J:; Rotter, MA., Bogusz, S. y cols. 1983. Effects of exercise on riboflavine requeriments on young women. Am J Clin Nutrit, 37; 509-517.
5. Berry, T.R, Howe, B.L. 2000. Risk factors for disordered eating in female university athletes. Journal Sport Behavior, 23(3; 207-218.
6. Beshgetoor, D; Nichols, J.F; Rego, I. 2000. Effect of training mode an calcium intake on bone mineral density in female Master cyclists, runners, and non-athletes. International Journal Sport Nutrition Exercise Metabolism, 10(3); 290-301.
7. Brooks, C; Taylor, R.D; Hardy, C.A; Lass, T. 2000. Proneness to eating disorders: weightlifters compared to exercisers. Perceptual Motor Skills, 90(3 Part I); 906.
8. Brown, R.C; Cox, C.M; Goulding, A. 2000. High-carbohydrate versus high-fat diets: effect on body composition in trained cyclists. Medicine Science Sports Exercise, 32(3); 690-694.
9. Bucci, L.R. 1993. Nutrients as ergogenic aids for sports and exercise. CRC Press. Boca Raton, Florida.
10. Bucci, L.R. 1994. Nutritional ergogenic aids. En: I. Wolinsky y J.F. Hickson, Nutrition in exercise and sport. 2nd edition. CRC Press. Boca Raton, Florida. Pg 329.
11. Burke, L.M., Read, R.S.D. 1993. Dietary supplements in sport. Sports Medicine, 15-1; 43-65.
12. Delgado, M. 1998. La alimentación en la optimización del rendimiento en gimnasia. En: J. López Bedoya, M. Vernetta, F. Panadero (comps.). Investigación y Gimnasia. Su aplicación práctica. Universidad de Granada. 21-28.
13. Delgado, M. 2000. Tareas significativas para el desarrollo de hábitos alimenticios saludables desde el área de educación física. En: F. Salinas (coord.). La actividad física y su práctica orientada hacia la salud. 43-49.
14. Delgado, M., Gutiérrez, A., Castillo, M.J. 1997. Entrenamiento físico-deportivo y alimentación. De la infancia a la edad adulta. Barcelona: Paidotribo.
15. Deutz, R.C; Benardot, D; Martin, D.E; Cody, M.M. 2000. Relationship between energy deficits and body composition in elite female gymnasts and runners. Medicine Science Sports Exercise, 32(3); 659-668.
16. Economos, C.D., Bortz, S.S., Nelson, M.E. 1993. Nutritional practices of elite athletes. Practical recommendations. Sports Medicine. 16 (6); 381-399.
17. Feriche, B., Álvarez. J., Delgado, M. 2000. Efecto del citrato sódico sobre el tiempo a la fatiga durante un ejercicio de alta intensidad en hipoxia aguda moderada. Medicina Dello Sport, 53-2; 179-184. 2000.
18. Feriche, B., Delgado, M., Ocaña, Mª.G., Álvarez, J. 1999. Influencia de la ingestión de un alcalinizante sobre la percepción subjetiva del esfuerzo durante un test incremental. Archivos de Medicina Deportiva. XVI-72, 335-342.
19. Fox, E. 1980. Fisología del deporte.
20. Garcia-Roves, P.M; Fernandez, S; Rodriguez, M; Perez-Landaluce, J; Patterson, A.M . 2000. Eating pattern and nutritional status of international elite flatwater paddlers. International Journal Sport Nutrition Exercise Metabolism,10(2); 182-198.
21. Garcia-Roves, P.M; Terrados, N; Fernandez, S; Patterson, A.M. 2000. Comparison of dietary intake and eating behavior of professional road cyclists during training and competition. International Journal Sport Nutrition Exercise Metabolism, 10(1); 82-98.
22. Garnier, A., Waysfeld, B. 1995. Alimentación y práctica deportiva. Las claves del equilibrio nutricional para mejorar el rendimiento. Barcelona: Hispano Europea.
23. Girard, S. 2000a. Timing fuel for peak racing. En: S. Girard (ed.), Endurance sports nutrition, Champaign, Illinois: Human Kinetics. 51-79.
24. Girard, S. 2000b. (ed.) Endurance sports nutrition. Champaign, Illinois: Human Kinetics.
25. Gisolfí, C., Duchman, S. 1992. Guidelines for optimal replacement beverages for different athletic events. Med Sci Sports Exerc, 24; 679-687.
26. González, J; Villa, J.G. 1998. Nutrición y ayudas ergogénicas en el deporte. Madrid: Síntesis.
27. Gutiérrez, A., González-Gross, M., Delgado, M., Castillo, M.J. 2001. Three days fast in sportsmen decrease physical work capacity but nos strength or perception-reaction time. International Journal of Sport Nutrition. (En prensa).
28. Haff, G.G; Koch, A.J; Potteiger, J.A; Kuphal, K.E; Magee, L.M; Green, S.B; Jakicic, J.J. 2000. Carbohydrate supplementation attenuates muscle glycogen loss during acute bouts of resistance exercise. International Journal Sport Nutrition Exercise Metabolism, 10(3); 326-339.
29. Highet, R. 1989. Athletic amenorrhea: an update on etiology, complications and management. Sports Medicine, 7; 82-102.
30. Hinton, P.S; Giordano, C; Brownlie, T; Haas, J.D. 2000. Iron supplementation improves endurance after training in iron-depleted, nonanemic women. Journal Applied Physiology, 88(3); 1103-1111.
31. Jeukendrup, A.E; Jentjens, R. 2000. Oxidation of carbohydrate feedings during prolonged exercise: current thoughts, guidelines and directions for future research. Sports Medicine, 29(6); 407-424.
32. Kleiner, S.M., Calabrasse, L.H., Fielder, K.M:, Naito, H.K., Skibinski, C.I.. 1989. Dietary influence on cardiovascular disease risk in anabolic steroid-using and nonusing bodybilders. J Am C Nutrit, 8; 109-119.
33. Konopka, P. 1988. La alimentación del deportista. Como mejorar el rendimiento mediante una alimentación completa y adecuada. Barcelona: Martínez Roca.
34. Lemon, P.W.R. 1995. Do athletes need more dietary protein and amino acids?. Intern J Sports Nutrit, 5; S39-S61.
35. Maffucci, D.M; McMurray, R.G. 2000. Towards optimizing the timing of the pre-exercise meal. International Journal Sport Nutrition Exercise Metabolism, 10(2); 103-113.
36. Malczewska, J; Raczynski, G; Stupnicki, R. 2000. Iron status in female endurance athletes and in non-athletes. International Journal Sport Nutrition Exercise Metabolism, 10(3); 260-276.
37. Maliszewski, A.F., Heil, D., Fredson, P.S., Clarkson, P.M. 1995. Effects of preexercise candy bar ingestion on sedentary men during prolonged submaximal exercise. Med Exerc Nutrit Health, 4-1; 40-47.
38. Manual de dietética de la Clínica Mayo. 1987. Nutrición normal. Sección 2. Barcelona: Médici. Pg. 16-18.
39. Mataix, J. 1992. Situación nutricional del deportista. En: Autores varios, Avances en nutrición deportiva. I Congreso Mundial de Nutrición Deportiva. Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia. Consejo Superior de Deportes.
40. Mcardle, W.D. ; Katch, F.I.; Katch, V.C. 1990. Fisiología del ejercicio. Energía, nutrición y rendimiento deportivo. Madrid: Alianza Editorial. Pp. 15-82; 369-452.
41. Newhouse, I.J., Clement, D.B. 1988. Iron status in athletes: an apdate. Sports Medicine, 5; 337-352.
42. Odriozola, J.Mª. 1988. Nutrición y deporte. Madrid: Eudema.
43. Rasmussen, B.B; Tipton, K.D; Miller, S.L; Wolf, S.E; Wolfe, R.R. 2000. An oral essential amino acid-carbohydrate supplement enhances muscle protein anabolism after resistance exercise. Journal Applied Physiology, 88(2); 386-392.
44. Riche, D. 2000. Alimentation du sportif: elements de dietetique. Sport, 43(2); 2-11.
45. Roy, B.D; Fowles, J.R; Hill, R; Tarnopolsky, M.A. 2000. Macronutrient intake and whole body protein metabolism following resistance exercise. Medicine Science Sports Exercise, 32(8); 1412-1418.
46. Saitoh, S; Mukai, N; Suzuki, M. 2000. Effect of time of evening meal ingestion following and intense bout of exercise on muscle glycogen storage on next day early in the morning. Bulletin Institute Health Sport Sciences, 23; 55-62.
47. Stannard, S.R; Thompson,M.W; Brand, J.C. 2000. The effect of glycemic index on plasma glucose and lactate levels during incremental exercise. International Journal Sport Nutrition Exercise Metabolism, 10(1); 51-61.
48. Thompson, R.A., Trattner, R. 1993. (dir.). Helping athletes with eating disorders. Champaign, Illinois: Human Kinetics Publishers.
49. Valero, A., Delgado, M. 1999. La nutrición en el medio fondo y fondo. Revista de Entrenamiento Deportivo, XIII-4, 25-30.
50. Villa, J.G.; Córdova, A.; González, J.; Garrido, G.; Villegas, J.A. 2000. Nutrición del deportista. Madrid: Gymnos.
51. Walker, J.L; Heigenhauser, G.J; Hultman, E; Spriet, L.L. 2000. Dietary carbohydrate, muscle glycogen content, and endurance performance in well-trained women. Journal Applied Physiology, 88(6); 2151-2158.
52. Weimann, E; Witzel, C; Schwidergall, S; Boehles, H.G. 2000. Peripubertal pertubations in elite gymnasts caused by sport specific training regimes and inadequate nutritional intake. International Journal Sports Medicine, 21(3); 210-215.
53. Williams, C, Brewer, J., Waker, M. 1992. The effect of a high carbohydrate diet on running performance during a 30-km treadmill time trial. European J Appl Physiol Occup Physiol, 65-1; 18-24.
54. Williams, M.H. 1994. The use of nutritional ergogenics in sports: is it an ethical issue?. Int J Sport Nutrit, 4; 120-131.
55. Williams, M.H. 1995. Nutritional ergogenics in athletics. J Sports Sciences, 13; S63-S74.
56. Williams, M.H. 1998. Nutritional ergogenics and sports performance: a review of the research on what works, what might work and what won't work for improving sports performance. IDEA personal trainer, 10(1); 36-46.
57. Wolinsky, I., Hickson, J.F. 1994. (dir.). Nutrition in exercise and sport. 2nd edition. Boca Raton, Florida: CRC Press.
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